With its wide diversity of natural environments, America has some of the most beautiful winter landscapes, many of which can best be appreciated by embarking upon a leisurely scenic drive at this special time of year. Among these myriad of winter wonder-drives, the following adventure through five states must surely provide one of the most worthy of driving journeys at this time of the year.
1 Alaska
We start our journey in the most northern state of the union, Alaska. The drive south from Anchorage meanders along the magnificent snow covered coastline of the state. The 120 mile journey takes one through outstanding natural scenery of the Kenai peninsula, and beyond Portage, where in winter snow can lay as deep as 90 inches, It then winds its way up to the summit of the Chugach national forest, where you can stop and marvel at the snow iced trees. Journey’s end is Steward where, if you time you visit in January, you can participate in the annual ‘Steward Polar Bear Jumpoff Festivel’, which takes place on the third weekend in January
2 California
Next stop is the vibrant state of California. Here we head directly towards the higher reaches of the Sierra mountain range, in particular Mammoth Mountain, which in winter becomes a snow covered delight for skiers and visitors alike. Stay a night or two at one of the many inns and B&Bs so that you can enjoy the natural beauty of the snow-cosseted five alpine lakes and winter wildlife that nestle quietly in the High Sierra, and you will feel on top of the world.
3 Idaho
For the midway point of our five star winter’s drive we head north again to the beautiful scenery provided by a drive alongside the Payette river before one ascends over 2,000 feet to McCall. Set in a picturesque location which in winter, with its deep covering of snow, provides amazing views of the Payette river and of the remarkable Rainbow Bridge, which was built to span the river in the early 1930s. If you time your journey to arrive toward the end of January, there is the added opportunity to become involved with the McCall Winter Festival, which has delights in store for everyone, irrespective of age.
4 Utah
The penultimate drive on our journey goes eastward into the state of Utah, perhaps better known for its hot desert landscapes. Here, our drive takes us up and away from the heat into the higher echelons of Utah’s national parks, which can experience more than 100 inches of annual snowfall. A visit to the snow covered landscapes of these parks in winter will give an unrivalled opportunity to observe Elk and Eagles parading around or soaring across their natural habitat.
5 North Dakota
Journey’s end takes us up-country again to North Dakota. The final destination for our drive is Theodore Roosevelt National Park, aptly named, as it was the place where the former president raised his herd of cattle. In February, not only will the drive take us through the stunning snow-covered scenery of this historic natural park but also, if there is time to spare, allow us to take part in the guided cross country treks.
Many American landscapes are as beautiful in winter are as they are in summer, if not more so. Therefore, if you feel the winter blues descending, don’t stay huddled in front of the fire, but instead invite the family to join in a scenic drive with you through some of the most outstanding landscapes of America’s winter wonderlands.