The search for a cost-effective way to message multiple brands at once and still maximize ROI
A 5 rooftop multi-brand dealership located in Durham, NC that offers highline, import and domestic brands and also maintains an extensive inventory of pre-owned vehicles and services all major brands faces a unique challenge: finding an effective yet easily manageable way to appeal to potential buyers of different brands with varying target audiences.
The multi-channel, multi-touchpoint approach to increasing conversions
After speaking with dealership representatives to further understand the specific challenges and objectives, their 3 Birds digital strategist recommended a custom digital marketing package, a multichannel marketing campaign with data-targeted follow-up sends to maximize engagement and opportunities for vehicle sales. 3 Birds’ digital marketing packages include, at minimum, an email campaign leveraging current OEM offers with tier-1 quality creative, 3 data-targeted follow-up sends, and a corresponding landing page optimized for conversions. There is also the option to add consistently branded website sliders, Facebook cover art and timeline imagery, and direct mail pieces. Digital marketing packages work in conjunction with 3 Birds’ digital marketing platform, leveraging ongoing customer data and business intelligence from previous digital campaign and newsletter sends to identify areas of opportunity.
As a longtime 3 Birds newsletter client, the dealership worked with their 3 Birds Digital Strategist to utilize existing business intelligence gathered through previous sends and interpreted through The Wire reporting data for an End of the Year sales event. The data-targeted follow-ups effectively marketed the group’s five brands by highlighting each facet of the dealership’s products and services, including:
- One “can’t-miss” offer from each of their five brands
- An additional “wild card” service special to bring in additional customers who weren’t necessarily in the market for a new vehicle
- Used car inventory calls-to-action
- Dealership-specific “value your trade” calls-to-action
From this initial send, the dealership worked with their 3 Birds Digital Strategist to identify prospects interested in highline brands specifically and send each of those prospect groups highly competitive follow-up offers targeted to their particular vehicle of interest.
The results of the campaign segment speak for themselves and far exceeded even the client’s high expectations. Results included:
- Over 1,000 new clicks available hours after send
- 44 customers who received the email followed up to purchase
In addition to open rates that handily outperformed industry averages. The initial campaign send generated over 1,000 hand-raisers in the form of campaign clicks in multiple areas, from general inventory searches to OEM-specific service specials, including 483 "hand-raisers" in the form of campaign clicks from the dealership's high-line brands. The information following the send was available in The Wire for the dealership representatives to log in and utilize a few hours after the campaign was sent, and the click information, including name, email, and phone number, were emailed by their Digital Strategist within 72 hours of the send. With the right internal processes in place and timely interpretation of the data they can provide valuable business intelligence for the sales team and turn clicks into dollars efficiently and effectively. Overall, the 4 campaigns influenced 44 sold customers across multiple brands.
Efficient and timely digital marketing efforts reap ROI benefits
In this case, traditional marketing avenues alone would have been a costly investment with little opportunity for targeted follow-up. 3 Birds’ digital marketing packages' highly targeted, multichannel approach allowed the client to build on their existing business data to deliver multiple high-performing marketing touches.