November brings about a joyous time of year in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and surrounding areas. It's the start of college basketball season. It also means the holidays are fast approaching. These holiday traditions in the Triangle will help you celebrate.

Tree Lightings. Thomas Edison would be proud of the Triangle's generous use of Christmas lights during the holidays. Tree lighting ceremonies in the Triangle abound. They include the Community Tree Lighting Ceremony in Chapel Hill at the University Baptist Church the last Sunday in November. The ceremony includes a visit from Santa, the singing of the church choir, and the lighting of the 22-foot tall Community Tree in the Memorial Garden. The Cary Christmas Tree Lighting takes place the first weekend in December at the Town Hall Campus. Raleigh residents can enjoy the N.C. State Capitol Tree Lighting Ceremony and Holiday Festival the second weekend in December.

Parades. What would the holidays be without parades? Those in the Triangle will never have to answer that question. The Raleigh Christmas Parade, the largest parade anywhere between Washington D.C. and Atlanta, takes place on the Saturday before Thanksgiving in downtown Raleigh and is broadcast live and replayed Christmas morning. Apex hosts the "Christmas on Salem Street" parade the first weekend in December. Durham hosts the Holiday Fun Fest the same weekend, featuring a mini-parade. The Chapel Hill-Carborro Holiday Parade takes place the following weekend as does the Cary Jaycee Parade.

Christmas Shows and Art. The holiday season is a great time to enjoy live theater and other special performances. If you're in Chapel Hill in December, be sure to check out the Star of Bethlehem Show at Morehead Planetarium. The show, one of the longest running holiday shows in North America, uses science and music to explore the celestial phenomenon that Christians claim occurred the night Jesus was born. The Wesley Foundation in Chapel Hill sponsors Handel's Messiah the first week in December at the UNC Campus Ministry. Durham hosts Holiday Springs and Rockets at the North Carolina Museum of Life and Science. The Miracle on Fayetteville Street takes place at the Raleigh City Museum, also in December.

New Year's Eve Traditions. Ringing in the New year with friends, family, and total strangers is a holiday tradition just about everywhere. Events in the Triangle include First Night Raleigh, featuring over 20 performances in indoor venues throughout downtown. Festivities begin early and culminate with the Acorn Drop at midnight. For those who prefer a more sophisticated New Year's celebration, the NC Symphony in Raleigh ushers in the New Year with classical music.

So what are you waiting for? Looks like it's time to make plans for the holidays!