Car covers are available in a variety of different materials and are intended to protect both the exterior and the interior of your car from external pollutants and damage. Car paintwork is surprisingly vulnerable, and a car cover can protect the paintwork from the elements and from minor damage like grit or salt on the road.

Protecting the condition of your car will protect its re-sale value and will ensure that it remains in attractive condition as long as possible. Buyers of pre-owned cars often desire for the vehicle’s bodywork to be in very good condition, but even if you don’t want to sell the car in the future, the cost of repair work can be significant and is worth avoiding.

Unfortunately, car covers can be frustratingly difficult and time-consuming to fit onto your car, leading many drivers to question just how important it is to have one and how often it needs to be used. Ideally, the cover should be in place whenever the car is not in use because this will maximize the benefits of its protective capabilities. However, it’s worth acknowledging that this is not practical for all car drivers. There are a number of considerations when deciding whether to use a car cover or not.

The location of your car when not in use is very important. If you are in an area where there are lots of birds (for example, on the coast) or where your car is stored under a tree, then you should use the cover as often as possible. Bird poop, sap, and other material from trees can seriously damage your paintwork, and a car cover will offer good protection against this. If your car is parked on a very busy road, then a cover could protect the paintwork from damage caused by grit or stones flicked up from the road surface.

If your car is often left in direct sunlight for any period of time, then a cover will prevent fading of the paintwork and damage to the interior. Leather and plastic upholstery can fade and crack under direct sunlight, and a cover will prevent direct light from causing this kind of damage. It will also help keep the interior of the car cooler, which may subsequently make it more comfortable to drive.

Car covers can also reduce the risk of theft, as they can prevent a would-be thief from quickly accessing the vehicle. A car cover can be a good deterrent if you own an expensive, luxury car, or if you need to leave the vehicle in a secluded location. The age or model of your vehicle may also be a consideration. If you have a classic car, for example, then it is often much more expensive to repair the bodywork, so it’s best to opt for covering it.

It also is worth using a cover whenever your car is not going to be used for a period of time. The cover will prevent dust from building up on the car and blowing into the moving parts. The cover can protect from damp and rainfall in a similar manner and will offer some protection against extreme temperatures.

While car covers may be unwieldy to fit and difficult to store, they are an extremely useful aid in protecting your car and maintaining its condition. Use them as often as possible, particularly when the circumstances put your car at greater risk for damage.